Tips To Create a Power Of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that gives someone else the authority to act on your behalf. Read and know how you can create a legally binding power of attorney form in Georgia.

Tips to Create a Power of Attorney

You can create a POA yourself using a notary public. If you do not have time to go to a notary public, you can ask a friend or relative to serve as your agent.

Your agent does not need to be a lawyer. However, he or she must be at least 18 years old and able to read and write. Your agent must sign the POA in front of two witnesses who must also be over the age of 18.

When you create a POA, you appoint your agent as your representative. Your agent has the same rights and responsibilities as you would have had if you were still alive.

Your agent cannot sell property without your permission. He or she cannot spend money without your approval. Your agent cannot give away your assets without your consent. Your agent cannot change your beneficiary designation on your insurance policy.

Which Power of Attorney Should You Use?

Your agent can help you decide what type of POA is best for your situation. There are three types of POAs: general, durable, and special. You can find power of attorney form free templates of each type online.

General POAs allow your agent to take action on your behalf until you recover.

Durable POAs last for a specific period of time.

Special POAs allow your agent only to act on your behalf while you are hospitalized or under treatment for a mental or physical condition.

How to Revoke a Power of Attorney?

If you want to revoke a POA, you must notify your agent in writing. You can revoke the POA anytime. To revoke a POA, send a letter to your agent stating that you no longer wish him or her to represent you. If you revoke the POA, your agent loses his or her right to act on your behalf unless the court orders otherwise.

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